Tuesday, June 14, 2022
08.06.2022. 5th day
Mums visinteresantākā diena bija trešdiena. Mēs devāmies uz eko saimniecību Grikši, kur ekoloģiskā veidā tiek ražotas dažādas graudaugu preces, piemēram, batoniņi, pasta, milti. Šajā saimniecībā mēs apskatījām apkārtni un tad darbojāmies praktiski, veicam agro-bio biznesa pētījmu. No veselīgajiem produktiem gatavojām vafeles, asuškas utt. Pēc tam mēs devāmies atpakaļ uz Zaļo Salu, tur mūs sagaidīja kajaki. Uz kajaku nomas biznesa piemēram mēģinājām mācītites veidot video kontentu sociālājiem medijiem. Pa Rēzeknes upi devāmies braucienā. Pirmajai grupai paveicās, nelija lietus, bija silti. Taču mēs tikām lietū, bet tas nekas, tas bija vēl lielāks piedzīvojums. Kā arī mēs brauciena laikā taisījām tik tokus.
В 21:00 проходил «Латвийский вечер» . Группа из Латвии представляла свою страну, рассказывали про традициональные наряды, танцы, игры и рассказывали информацию о стране. Из угощений на столе был белые и чёрный квас, пирожки со шпеком, мороженое и маленькие сладкие подарочки для других участников из других стран.
После того как первая команды приехала после заплыва на байдарках, у нас была встреча с достаточно популярным блогером в Латвии и во многих других странах. Dailypurr - у этого аккаунта в Инстаграмме более 700 тысяч подписчиков. В аккаунте публикуются рисунки котиков, которые перерисовываются с разных видео.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Monday, June 6, 2022
06.06.2022. the 3rd day of the project
Today's morning started off unusually. For the first time in the past two days, we had a warm-up. It seemed ordinary from the start, but that was just a feeling. Towards the end of the warm-up we started to wake everyone else up screamed "Buga" "Trah".
After a short breakfast we went to Rēzekne. Our first stop was at the youth centre "Zeimuļs". There we visited all the floors of the building. We got acquainted with the unusual structure of the centre. We climbed the highest tower of the complex and enjoyed the beautiful view of the city from a great height.
Then we were told about the creative and diverse young people taking part in various events and workshops. They told us that at Zeimuļs you can write your own micro-enterprise. For example the creation of eco-bags.
The second stop was at the central library, where we showed our dance with books.
Then we were given a task, which we did while getting acquainted with the city. We were divided into 5 groups, and each group was given a different street with different businesses. We had a lot of emotions while exploring the streets, from frustration to unbelievable fun. Thanks to this task we got even closer to the participants from different countries, showed interesting places in the city and got to know better the different enterprises in the town of Rēzekne.
After lunch, special guest Alexander talked about his 4 restaurants, which are also located in Rēzekne. We even managed to eat in one of them and it is a restaurant with the name "Režica". We learned that the restaurant business is very similar to the seasonal and tourist business.
After a short break we went back to Zaļa Sala. There we were told about the right way to develop business on the internet and how to promote the business homepage quickly. We got acquainted with the Smailīšu noma page "MIRKA", where we were shown the full story of this page's development.
An incredibly delicious dinner was served, and after half an hour the Lithuanian evening started. We were introduced to the traditions of the country and had an interesting, unifying team game, where we had to run through different points.
After all the activities we were treated to tasty treats from Lithuania.
At the end of the day we danced till we dropped.
Sunday, June 5, 2022
05.06.2022. The 2nd day of the project
O ósmej rano mieliśmy pobudkę. Następnie o 9.00 było bardzo smaczne śniadanie. Po śniadaniu omawialiśmy ankiety uczestników projektu. Następnie podzieliliśmy się na grupy i przedstawiliśmy swoje idee biznesu w różnych kategoriach. Pan Marek przedstawił nam swój zawód. Jak dążył do tego, co dziś ma. W czasie prezentacji mieliśmy kilka krótkich przerw na gry. Następnie była 30-minutowa przerwa na herbatę i litewskie ciastka. Później mieliśmy zajęcia „żywe książki” i zadawaliśmy pytania pięciu osobom o ich zawodach. Ludzie ci opowiadali o swoich osiągnięciach w sferze przedsiębiorstwa. Później mieliśmy wspaniałą kolację. Na końcu musieliśmy wymyślić taniec na następny dzień.
We woke up at eight in the morning. Then at 9.00 am there was a very tasty breakfast. After breakfast, we discussed the questionnaires of the project participants. Then we divided into groups and presented our business ideas in various categories. Mr. Marek introduced us to his profession. How he strived for what he has today. We had a few short game breaks during the presentation. Then there was a 30-minute break for tea and Lithuanian pastries. Later we had a "living book" class and asked five people questions about their professions. These people talked about their achievements in the entrepreneurship sphere. We had a wonderful dinner afterwards. In the end, we had to come up with a dance for the next day.
Latvian team
Polish team
Lithuanian team
04.06.2022. The first day of the project
Hello everybody! 04.06.2022. was the first day of the project "Startup4Youth".
Latvian team was the first who arrived at the guest house early in the morning in order to prepare the place for the project activities and later to welcome a team from Poland and a team from Lithuania.
The first day of the project was on-arrival day of all the participants. This day was devoted to getting to know each other, ice-breaking and team building activities and also in order to get energized for following days of the project! During the day the participants did different kind of energizers, name games, ice-breaking activities based on the methods of non-formal education. Moreover, got to know the territory of the project place, set up the rules and spoke about key competences, which are the part of the Youthpass.
At the end of the day the reflection and evaluation of the first day was organized (the method of 5 fingers).
Finally, the participants organized ''Friends evening'' there all the participants learned different kind of dances (Belgium dance, Latvian dance and others). It was a great part of the day thanks to all participants of the project!
- Energizer ''Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ra, Start-up-4-Youth!''
- "What's your name?", "Kā tevi sauc?" (in 4 languages: in English, in Latvian, in Polish, in Lithuanian)
- Energizer "Juice"
- "Eartquake"
- "Dragon, samuray, princess"
- ''4 seasons''
- Name game - ABC on a rope
Monday, May 30, 2022
05.06.2022. Human Library event
Hello everybody! 04.06.2022. was the first day of the project "Startup4Youth". Latvian team was the first who arrived at the gue...
WHAT IS THE LIVING LIBRARY? The Living Library is a non-formal education method. It works just like a normal library: visitors can browse ...